Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Easy Healthcare offers Short Term Accommodation (STA) to NDIS participants and careers. For more information about services, get in touch with our team members today. 

About SIL

Short-term accommodation is a service that provides short-term accommodation for people with disabilities and their carers. It can be used when people are transitioning to a new home or need somewhere to stay while they wait for more permanent housing.

Whatever the reason, STA covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days. You can also try new things without worrying about how much they will cost or what will happen if something unexpected happens. And best of all, STA gives you the chance to make new friends or develop new skills!

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Why Easy Healthcare?

Easy Healthcare Company is the right choice for your NDIS needs. We offer exceptional care in a warm and welcoming environment, allowing you to focus on your quality of life.

Our team has extensive experience with NDIS, including planning and funding applications, service delivery, and even dispute resolution. We’re dedicated to helping you get the needed services by providing exceptional customer service at every stage of the process.

When you choose us for your STA needs, you’re not just choosing someone who can meet your specific requirements. You’re trusting that person with one of the most important things in your life: your health and well-being. That’s why we focus on providing personalized attention, quality care, and a warm environment where you feel comfortable being yourself.

Respite Care Services We Offer

Our Easy Healthcare professionals have extensive experience in providing respite care services and are happy to provide the highest level of care to your loved ones while assuring that their needs are met.

Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Mid Term Accommodation (MTA)

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Frequently Asked Questions about Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Short Term Accommodation (STA) is a great way to meet new people, try new activities and enjoy a change of scenery. You can also de-stress and recharge, build independence, and more!

STA funding is an important part of the NDIS. You can use this funding to help cover some of the basic expenses related to your day-to-day living in a supportive environment.

The funding covers all basic expenses in 24 hours, including accommodation in a suitable facility, personal care and support (including overnight), food, and activities you and your provider agree upon.

You may be eligible for up to 28 days per year.

Your NDIS partner will work with you to decide whether or not getting an STA is right for you. If it is, they’ll work with you to find the right provider and explain how you can afford the cost of the service.

The NDIS will fund STA if it relates to one of your goals outlined in your NDIS Plan. Goals include living independently, learning new skills, or making new friends.

You may want to bring some personal possessions when you move into your new home under the SIL program.

When it comes to personal space, such as your bedroom, you can bring beds, bedside tables, photos, TVs, or anything else that will help make the room a place where you feel comfortable and happy.

When it comes to things that can be placed in common areas (such as kitchens), these items will need to be discussed with other occupants.

Specialized STA providers in each state can provide you with information about the NDIS, help you make an application, or guide you through getting signed up to the NDIS if you need support.

You can locate a provider online or consult your local phone book.

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